A more sustainable future can only be achieved by many SIMONA AG joins B.A.U.M. e.V. We can only achieve a sustainable future if we all participate. Therefore, SIMONA AG is pleased to announce its membership of the Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management e.V. (B.A.U.M. e.V.), a renowned network that supports companies in integrating environmental and social responsibility into their business strategies.
The organization was founded in 1984 by Dr Georg Winter and Prof Dr Maximilian Gege and has nowadays almost 800 members. It is the voice of sustainably managed companies at federal and European level, as well as a driving force for a socially and ecologically responsible market economy. In addition, members benefit from cross-industry exchange of practical experience.
For SIMONA, this step represents a further brick in the company’s sustainability house, which is a metaphor for the company’s efforts to promote more sustainable business practices and optimise the environmental compatibility of its products and processes. By joining B.A.U.M., we will be able to further intensify our efforts in this area and gain valuable momentum from the network,” explains Johannes Kappler, Head of Sustainability at SIMONA AG. “We look forward to exchanging innovative ideas for a sustainable future with B.A.U.M. and its members.
The company looks forward to exchanging ideas and working with other members to address the challenges of climate change and resource conservation.